Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wow, I didn't realize!!!

It's been over a month since I've written! I've just been creatively challenged for a while and I haven't felt like making anything new. Life is a little beyond crazy right now so I'm taking yet another break from Etsy. I need to de-funk before I attempt to craft again.

I got some polymer clay and although I have a LOT of ideas, I need to get the curing method down. I'm either burning my clay while baking it or it's not curing all the way. Bummer! I made the cutest little cake because that was what made me want to try my hand at clay in the first place. It was so adorable when I put it in the over to cure but something went horribly wrong. lol Oh well. I'll get it down. I'm looking at the prettiest colors with something fabulous in mind. ;)

And what IS wrong with me? It's 9:30am and I'm eating one of those NASTACULAR frozen burritos! That's soooo gross and nasty but ATM, it's deeeelish!

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